Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Same-Sex Marriage - Same as Civil Rights?

The following video features a series of African-American men express their discontent at Prop 8 being compared with the Civil Rights movement.

Harry Jackson - "There is no way to compare the Civil Rights movement and the gay rights movement. We live in a society in which no one wants to be a called a bigot . . . therefore there's been an attempt to hijack the Civil Rights movement & to make it look like this is the same kind of thing (gay marriage) that we are dealing with when the blacks were sitting in the back of the bus. But I am offended by times by that comparison because I had no choice but to be black."

Dwight McKissic - "Homosexuality is a choice and skin color is not a choice and therefore there is no comparison of the two. . . I've met former homo-sexuals but I've never met a former black person."

Wellington Boone - "A person can change their mind about what sexual preference they have out of a conviction and all of a sudden they're heterosexual & they like the opposite sex. Well, I can't change my mind about my race. That's an issue of creation. I'm going to always be black."


dez said...

Being gay is not a choice. It's genetics. Just because it's not as apparent as being black or white, blond or brunette, doesn't make it choice! The only choice is whether or not you accept and embrace who you are, and considering this Yes on 8 campaign, there's no wonder that some people would rather lie and say they've "gone straight" just to not have to deal with the bigotry.

Do you really think I would CHOOSE to be DISCRIMINATED against? Be HATED because the person I love is another woman? Do you think I enjoy being HARASSED, BULLIED and chased out of restaurants, grocery stores and other public places? Do you think I like having beer bottles thrown at me? My car vandalized? Having people judge me without getting to know me? Do you think I would choose this??? Really???

Get real already. Stop the hate. This is a civil rights issue, end of story. VOTE NO ON PROP 8!

dez said...

Voting NO ON PROP 8:
Black American Political Association of California
California NAACP
Oakland NAACP
National Congress of Black Women
Black AIDS Institute
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

...along with a TON of civil rights and human rights organizations, even a long list of religious groups. Check 'em all out here:


dez said...

Oh, and way to stack your deck with equally narrow-minded thinkers:

*Bishop Harry Jackson is a conservative Christian African American who supported George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential election.

*William Dwight McKissic, Sr. or Dwight McKissic is one of the most prominent African-American Southern Baptist ministers and is the current senior pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. McKissic is a controversial leader of the Bapticostal movement, marked by a rejection of the a cessationist and support of the charismatic gifts espoused.

*Wellington Boone is an American evangelical Christian leader, who as said that black Americans are suffering from a so-called "self-genocide." Boone has also made a number of controversial statements thought to be critical of homosexuals referring to them as so-called "faggots" and "sissies" at the 2006 Values Voter Conference September 8, 2006.

Nice lineup....typical of your propaganda efforts.

Salt H2O said...

Why is it that if someone disagrees with you- it's hate?

Why is it if someone doesn't think the way you do it's narrow minded?

I'm sorry that you have been harrassed about your lifestyle by others- the majority of supporters of prop. 8 wouldn't condone that in the slightest. The majority of supporters of prop 8 do so because they'd like the education of what is right and wrong to be left to parents- not public educators.

Those that support prop 8 would like mothers and fathers to decide when their kids learn about homosexuality- and in what framework.

More over, the supporters of Prop 8know that if Prop 8 is passed, it's only a matter of time before we get sued for our beliefs.

It's not enough that we repect you for your beliefs- you want us to believe it too.

dez said...

"Why is it that if someone disagrees with you- it's hate?"

Disagree all you want. Just don't try to write your feelings into law, into the constitution...

That's where it crosses the line and becomes an attack.

...As for the education comment, go see my comments for the education post. Parents have FULL control already and schools can't just bust out with the gay marriage talk...it has nothing to do with Prop 8.

And there are already laws in CA about discriminating against people based on sexual orientation...so, if you refuse service based on that, well yeah, you're gonna get sued.

Michael Paul Bailey said...

First of all, homosexuality is not a choice. It may have a nurture component, but it is definitely not a choice.

But, even if it were a choice it wouldn't matter. Religious affiliation is a choice, does that mean we should be able to discriminate people based upon their religious preference. Anti-discrimination laws contain many characteristics that are determined by choice, which are still protected.

Michael Paul Bailey said...

I personally don't care if you guys believe that homosexuality is a sin or not. I am with dez, it is that you guys are trying to write YOUR morality into the constitution. I am unaware of any legislation that has been introduced for the purpose of preventing Christians from teaching that gays are going to hell. If such a proposition were presented, I would strongly oppose it. The first amendment gives us the right to believe and teach whatever we want.