Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Prop 8 Thoughts - Why am I supporting this so strongly? Part I

I'm going to get pretty vulnerable and honest here. Supporting this proposition as openly as I have has really stretched me. I am quite a sensitive person and I have opened myself up for all kinds of ridicule and false accusations. I understand that this is the risk I take in blogging, Facebook notes, etc. I am finally working on a post for my blog that it is just a bunch of bullet points of why I support Prop 8 and some of my response to opposers. I wanted to put out this post before I do so.

I know full well I will not convince most to vote yes on Prop 8; especially not with my limited writing ability. My main purpose in writing about it as much as I have is to simply promote UNDERSTANDING. There is a difference between agreeing and understanding. I have communicated with many people that are against Prop 8. Some have made presumptuous or hurtful remarks to respond to my opinions. Again, I understand that this is the risk that I take in opening myself up online, but it does not make it any less hurtful. There have been some, interestingly enough mostly those that actually ARE homosexual, that have been very respectful and understanding as we have shared our views with each other. One gay guy in particular that I have been communicating with online I wish I could just reach through the computer and hug because he has been SO sweet about genuinely asking why I feel the way I do and LISTENING to my answers as I listen to his view. Is he going to vote yes on Prop 8? No! But he now has a more clear view of why some ARE voting yes & I am more understanding of his perspective. Opinions should be formed from carefully weighing different perspectives and then changed ONLY if there is new information that causes he or she that holds the opinion to re-evaluate; not because they are bullied into changing their opinion.

I have been doing a lot of research & reading from both sides about this topic. I have felt very inadequate to explain myself, mainly because I feel like others wouldn't take the time to listen. I feel like I've been keeping more of an "open mind" than many may think. True, I have not changed my position, but I after reading what some opposers have had to say I find more and more that there are arguments, (only from those that articulate themselves well without getting hateful,) that I say, "Touche" to. Frankly, if I didn't have some of the beliefs that I do I probably would be voting no!

Those that know me personally know that hatred is not even in my language; I don't think I even have it in me to hate. I feel that there are many secular arguments for this proposition, but to be honest, I DO know that many of my reasons for supporting this ARE religious. I completely understand why some people are in opposition to it; particularly those that are homo-sexual. I UNDERSTAND that despite how many times we have are told that their CIVIL RIGHTS do NOT change, that they still feel like they are not being treated equally. While I understand that many will not agree with my personal convictions I hope that I can somehow make my intentions behind my support clear.

To be continued . . .


dez said...

"I am quite a sensitive person and I have opened myself up for all kinds of ridicule and false accusations. "

Yeah, try being gay and having bigots discriminate against you. Believe me, it's way tougher than "blogging". Don't forget. YOU have a choice on whether or not you "blog". I don't. I have to live my life ALWAYS looking over my back just because I was born gay.

"Those that know me personally know that hatred is not even in my language; I don't think I even have it in me to hate."

Then why are you voting "YES" ?? Even if you don't "feel" it, this prop is PERPETUATING the notion that being gay is wrong and it's okay to discriminate against us, hate us, treat us like second class citizens, harass, beat, violate and degrade us...Even some of the people you've quoted on THIS BLOG have called gays "faggots"...If you don't hate, you might not want to pal around with the haters. Or support their proposition.

"I UNDERSTAND that despite how many times we have are told that their CIVIL RIGHTS do NOT change, that they still feel like they are not being treated equally."

Are you even serious????? I thought you did research for both sides?

dez said...


Leaders of the campaign to outlaw same-sex marriage in California are warning businesses that have given money to the state's largest gay rights group they will be publicly identified as opponents of traditional unions unless they contribute to the same-sex marriage ban, too., the umbrella group behind a ballot initiative that would overturn the California Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage, sent a certified letter this week asking companies to withdraw their support of Equality California, a nonprofit organization that is helping lead the campaign against Proposition 8.

"Make a donation of a like amount to which will help us correct this error," reads the letter. "Were you to elect not to donate comparably, it would be a clear indication that you are in opposition to traditional marriage. The names of any companies and organizations that choose not to donate in like manner to but have given to Equality California will be published."

The letter was signed by four members of the group's executive committee: campaign Chairman Ron Prentice; Edward Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference; Mark Jansson, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Andrew Pugno, the lawyer for A donation form was attached. The letter did not say where the names would be published.


Latter-day Saint Mom said...

I am with you on supporting proposition 8! Thanks for your opinion regarding the matter as it takes courage to share it!

Yes On Prop 8 said...

Sizable donations are always published. The letter states to give to the opposite cause OR have their name published as giving to Equality California. If they give such a sizable donation, they should expect to have their name published.

Yes On Prop 8 said...

Dez, I wish more than anything that I could meet you & talk to you in person because know I could never convey my sincerity online & I think if you were to meet me in person that you understand me even a little bit better. I really am sorry that you feel the way that you do. I have a lot of responses to the things that you've posted, but it is clear from your writing that you feel that this proposition perpetuates hate and it feels like nothing I do or say will convince you otherwise, so that is why it has taken me so long to respond. I am not expecting to change your mind, but simply to promote understanding for those that support it.

As far as the video, it is true that I did not research every single thing that each person in the video has ever said about homosexuals. It saddens me if they truly have said the things that you claim about gay people, because that goes against what Christianity REALLY is. It's saddening that ANY Christian does some of the things they do in the name of Christianity, but that is not the religion's fault because that is not what the religion teaches. It is the fault of every imperfect individual who has ever persecuted, started a war, or hated in the name of Christ because that is not at all what He taught. Religion usually has inherently good principles & values, but no one has any control over how people are going to interpret it, because people have their freedom to choose.

My posting the video was simply to show that I agreed with the things they said IN THAT VIDEO. Mark Twain has said some not nice things about Mormons, but I still enjoy his quotes on other topics. If you or others who support the proposition choose to interpret this proposition as permission to do all of the things you listed, that is your interpretation, not a fact. When we do something with certain intentions & other people choose to interpret it another way, the only way that there is enlightenment on both ends is allowing the other party to explain while listening with the intention to understand; not to attack. If people interpret this as permission to abuse gays that is EXTREMELY unfortunate, and those individuals are certainly hateful, but the entire collection of those who support the proposition are not to blame. Yes on Prop 8 signs continue to be stolen, cars with bumper stickers are keyed, my family & friends holding signs are screamed at, and have rocks thrown at them, all in the name of "anti-hate" and tolerance. I am upset with those individuals for doing those things hypocritically in the name of tolerance, but I don't attack every person opposing this proposition because someone keyed my car.

Don't you think I have received persecution for my beliefs or for various other reasons? I view your comments as expressing frustration for the way you have had to live & not feeling understood, but there are others reading it that may view your comments towards me as persecution. I understand that you have had to put up with a lot when you are just trying to live your life and I am sure you as an individual are not acting in a hateful manner. I am not assuming that you feel a certain way just because you oppose this proposition because of others that have acted in a hateful way, so please do not make the same conclusion about me. There is so much controversy over whether people are "born gay" and even though I disagree with that, the fact still remains that it is unproven either way. There are those who are homosexual who later become heterosexual. I understand that many feel this is something they are born with & I do not doubt that those feelings of attraction are very strong. In fact, despite believing that people are not "born gay" I do believe that some people may be born with a MORE LIKELY TENDENCY to become gay. I also believe that those who feel attraction towards the same gender may not have a choice in their feelings, but to act on those feelings is just that; an action. A choice. The fact still remains, (two people told their story on Sunday night) that there are those who live homosexual lifestyles that go back to being heterosexual. That change is possible, (I am not saying with every individual), and the possibility may be very small, but it is still there. When someone is born a certain race, they come straight out of the womb as that race and that can NEVER change.

dez said...

It doesn't matter how you want to justify it...


Just because your way of doing it is on paper, by writing discrimination into the California constitution while smiling and saying it's all about "protecting marriage", doesn't fool anyone.

And if you expect us to sit back and let you take away our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, think again.

The thing is...there have been numerous scientific studies that have shown that being gay is genetic...All kinds of info can be found online. But you don't want to believe it because it goes against your religion...

If you did find out that it was genetic, would you still support Prop 8?

What if the roles were flipped? If being gay was "normal"? How would you want me to treat you??

....And don't say that I'm persecuting you for writing ANY of this. That's just silly. You can walk away from this blog anytime you want. I can't walk away from who I's built into my genes, whether you want to believe it or not.

(And trust me, those people who are coming into your church saying they are reformed gays...they're only suppressing their feelings to escape persecution and will live the rest of their lives being miserable just to fit the status quo...I feel sorry for them)

Tiana said...

As a straight women and a American I am ashamed of this proposition. I would feel horrible if someone told me that it was wrong to love the person I loved. Gays cannot control who they love any more than I can control who I do. By placing restrictions on who can marry who, we are taking away rights given to us by the constitution. Those rights include everyone, and no where in the constitution does it say that you have to be straight to have these rights.

As for religion, America is supposed to be the land of freedom, of choice, and that includes people's lifestyles and religions. Therefore, no laws should be placed with religious intent, because it violates that fundamental part of what makes our country different.

If you don't want to be gay, then don't be. It is not their choice, who would ever choose to be hated, prosecuted and limited in their rights as a human being? You show me one person that wants that...and I'll call them a sadist.

If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex, then more power to you, but don't take away that right for others. And don't try to justify it by using the Bible or God, cause I can guarantee you that that's not what his message was at all.

"Love thy neighbor" that means all of them...not just the ones that make you comfortable.

Sarai said...

WOW! Where do I start?

How about with a little background…I am a straight, married, mother and I attended twelve years of private, Christian schooling. Throughout all twelve years the biggest thing I learned about the Christian faith is LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. Not just tolerance (Definition: a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own), but acceptance (Definition: favorable reception; approval; favor). Which sounds better to you? Just being tolerated or being warmly accepted? When you are accepted, you feel welcome, warm, even loved. If you are being tolerated, you know that you aren’t understood, but others are just bearing with you, gritting their teeth in disagreement. Personally, I’d prefer being accepted for who I am. Why can’t this happen for everyone? Why should I have more rights than someone else just because of my sexual orientation? Also, why are Yes on 8 supporters so self-centered? I truly hope that my son can grow up in a world where prejudice isn’t creeping around every corner, hiding behind church walls, and camouflaging itself by hiding behind Jesus!

Yes on 8 supporters are making me nauseous! I see signs that read ‘Yes on 8=religious freedom!’. REALLY!?!?! Get this through your head…THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!! This is about the millions of people that are being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST daily for being themselves. (SIDE NOTE: Mary, YES there is SCIENTIFIC PROOF that being gay is GENETIC! Here’s the short of it…Scientists do neurological studies on identical twins, where one twin is straight and one twin is gay. They have been doing this for MANY years and what have they found? Well, IT’S GENETIC! Just like being born with blue eyes or brown eyes! My suggestion is to go to the library and do some serious research instead of relying solely on a book that was written back when man didn‘t even know where the sun went at night!) So, back on track… These are hard working, loving, people just like you and me that only want to live their life to the fullest. As far as we all know, we only get one life, right?! Everyone wants to live their one life to the fullest. Most people grow up, fall in love and want to get married. Well, this is a basic right that should be available for ALL AMERICANS! Why are you and other Yes on 8 supporters trying to make this about religion? THIS IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION!!! Whatever happened to SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? Hmmm…

I also see signs that read ‘Yes on 8=parental control!’. WHAT THE HELL?!?! You are kidding me right?! Once again: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!! THIS IS ABOUT THE LEGAL RIGHT OF ALL AMERICANS TO BE CREATED AND TREATED EQUALLY!! What I teach my child is vastly different from what Yes on 8 supporters teach their children. I teach my son that NO MATTER WHAT you judge a person who they are inside, not the outside or by the partner they choose.

To me, this proposition is simple. Yes on 8 supporters feel that they can control how freedom is distributed; ‘You can enjoy the American Dream if: 1) You are a Christian. 2) You are straight, or at least hide who you really are to feel accepted by friends and family.’ Is this what you want the next generation learning and teaching future generations? This is bigotry better known as prejudice. Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, and inaccurate stereotypes. Wow, this sounds like Prop 8 to me! BOTTOM LINE: Prejudice breads prejudice and that is EXACTLY what Prop 8 is: PREJUDICE!

I honestly don’t know how Yes on 8 supporters can sleep at night, knowing they are removing FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS from another person…